Together We Can

Build a World Where All immiGrants Are Safe, Strong & Valued

Who We Are

Fresh Beginnings is a voluntary organization providing practical help to refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers in and around Essex.

We are a non-profit organization working with refugees, migrant workers and people seeking asylum. We work with our partners to fight for improvements to the asylum protection system, providing full support to those in need.

We offer a friendly face and understand the issues surrounding fitting into a new culture where systems are baffling and bureaucracy is overwhelming.

What We Do


— We Find & Fund

We identify and address the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers resident, or intending to be resident in Essex.


— We Challenge Intolerance

We do not condone any form of intolerance or discrimination in any form in the society. We ensure equal opportunity to individuals in search of them.


— We Strengthen

We seek to enable those with the right to remain to become full and equal members of the local community.


— We Provide Free Training

Whether you are new to working with refugees and asylum seekers, or have years of experience, we still can provide some training yo you.


— We Provide Advocacy

We create sustainable social and policy change in regards to people seeking asylum and to build a global collaboration.


— Employment Advice and support

It can be a struggle for refugees and asylum seekers to try and rebuild their lives in the UK. We are here to help you get information about different services in the UK.

Impact Stories

Jane’s Been A Migrant Worker Since She Was Just 12
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A Brighter Future — For Cambodia’s Children
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